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Iowa City Name List

This is the list of Cities in Iowa. The zip code, county and city are displayed in the list. You can click the City Name to get 5-digit zip code and 5-digit plus 4 zip code.

The primary city name as designated by the United States Postal Service. The USPS designates cities in all uppercase (ie. NEW YORK). The Post Office “city” name associated with a particular ZIP Code in the mailing address for a residence may differ from the legal municipality or district in which the housing unit is actually located.

CountyCityZIP Code
Butler CountyACKLEY50601
Warren CountyACKWORTH50001
Adair CountyADAIR50002
Dallas CountyADEL50003
Union CountyAFTON50830
Wapello CountyAGENCY52530
Washington CountyAINSWORTH52201
Plymouth CountyAKRON51001
Buena Vista CountyALBERT CITY50510
Monroe CountyALBIA52531
Marshall CountyALBION50005
Linn CountyALBURNETT52202
Franklin CountyALDEN50006
Franklin CountyALEXANDER50420
Kossuth CountyALGONA50511
Polk CountyALLEMAN50007
Osceola CountyALLENDORF51354
Wayne CountyALLERTON50008
Butler CountyALLISON50602
Buena Vista CountyALTA51002
Chickasaw CountyALTA VISTA50603
Plymouth CountyALTON51003
Polk CountyALTOONA50009
Lyon CountyALVORD51230
Iowa CountyAMANA52203
Story CountyAMES50010
Jones CountyANAMOSA52205
Clinton CountyANDOVER52701
Jackson CountyANDREW52030
Adair CountyANITA50020
Polk CountyANKENY50021
Woodbury CountyANTHON51004
Butler CountyAPLINGTON50604
Carroll CountyARCADIA51430
O'Brien CountyARCHER51231
Butler CountyAREDALE50605
Lee CountyARGYLE52619
Crawford CountyARION51520
Union CountyARISPE50831
Clayton CountyARLINGTON50606
Emmet CountyARMSTRONG50514
Dickinson CountyARNOLDS PARK51331
Ida CountyARTHUR51431
Dubuque CountyASBURY52002
Lyon CountyASHTON51232
Crawford CountyASPINWALL51432
Cedar CountyATALISSA52720
Benton CountyATKINS52206
Audubon CountyATLANTIC50022
Calhoun CountyAUBURN51433
Fayette CountyAUBURN DOUGLAS52175
Audubon CountyAUDUBON50025
Buena Vista CountyAURELIA51005
Buchanan CountyAURORA50607
Butler CountyAUSTINVILLE50608
Pottawattamie CountyAVOCA51521
Clay CountyAYRSHIRE50515
Humboldt CountyBADGER50516
Greene CountyBAGLEY50026
Clinton CountyBALDWIN52207
Kossuth CountyBANCROFT50517
Mahaska CountyBARNES CITY50027
Webster CountyBARNUM50518
Jefferson CountyBATAVIA52533
Crawford CountyBATTLE CREEK51006
Jasper CountyBAXTER50028
Greene CountyBAYARD50029
Mahaska CountyBEACON52534
Ringgold CountyBEACONSFIELD50074
Grundy CountyBEAMAN50609
Boone CountyBEAVER50031
Taylor CountyBEDFORD50833
Benton CountyBELLE PLAINE52208
Dubuque CountyBELLEVUE52031
Wright CountyBELMOND50421
Cedar CountyBENNETT52721
Ringgold CountyBENTON50835
Dubuque CountyBERNARD52032
Polk CountyBERWICK50032
Scott CountyBETTENDORF52722
